Art is awesome.
Even though I'm not that good at art myself, many other people, especially the people in our generation (Gen Y and Gen Z), are really into art. But as much as many people are into things like drawing, painting or sketching, some still have problems convincing others, (and themselves) that being an artist can take them far.
Many still think that by doing art full time, they wouldn't get a good pay or earn much. But I disagree. The way I see it, art is the future. Things like art, music, journalism, media or sports are soon going to start conquering the world.
As I already said, tons of people are into things like art, so it would only make sense that in the future these would be the things that matter the most and that are appreciated in society.
Currently, everyone seems to be fighting for jobs in fields such as medicine, law or engineering and so on, which is perfectly fine. The problem only occurs when people are in these fields just because it pays better or because it is more "secure".

Many people, venture into these fields because of pressure from their friends and families; when in reality, they actually have a burning passion to do something else. For anyone who is stuck in that situation all I can say is, follow your Heart, not what your Mind or what anyone around you says.
Most of the time, people who like stuff like art start stumble across people around them who try to discourage them or judge them and their work. In reality, these people around them just mirror their own thoughts. Many incredibly talented and artistic people easily judge themselves and don't appreciate their own work and efforts. They lack faith in their own abilities.
An example for this would be what I call the "I can't draw the other eye!" syndrome. If you haven't guessed it by the name, the "I can't draw the other eye!" syndrome is what happens when you draw a drawing of one eye but you can't seem to manage to draw even a simple sketch for the other eye.
I agree, this can sometimes happen. But stressing over it isn't going to help; it would only make things worse. Instead, you could take it as a challenge and find a new, different way on how to draw an eye that would match the one you drew previously.
What I'm trying to say is, instead of focusing on the problem of not being able to draw something, start looking for a solution.
Too many artistic people doubt themselves. If only they had more faith in their own awesomeness, the world would be a much more epic place. Remember, 'Earth' without 'Art' is just 'EH'... Yeah, I know, I stole that quote from someone. But it's true! And I bet there's a whole bunch of artists out there, just waiting to be found, who are going to prove me right.
So, sharpen your pencils and follow your Hearts!
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